Black on white. Stories of Leonardo from the Archives

A multisensory narration of Leonardo’s life in Milano and elsewhere, based on documentary sources preserved in the Milan State Archive. An emotional sojourn through the rooms of the Palazzo del Senato. The exhibition proceeds along a thematic itinerary based on Leonardo’s life, his works, the places where he worked and his personality. The visitor is immersed in the parellal world of Leonardo’s genius with the help of technology in two and three dimensions.
The impetus for this exhibition was provided by the vast research conducted at the State Archive of Milan in 2019, uncovering 350 documents, some of which are inedited originals of great interest. A selection of these documents will be presented, trascribed and digitalized in high definition, and linked to the most significant images of the works of the Florentine genius to which they refer. The centerpiece of the show is the only known signature of Leonardo, written – from left to right – in front of the notary Antonio de Capitani, at the bottom of the contract for The Virgin of the rocks. In addition, revealing and newly doscovered documents covering five centuries of history, from the end of the Quattrocento to the Mid Twentieth Century, will be featured.