The 3D reconstruction of the wunderkammer of the Museo Calzolari

The 3D reconstruction of the wunderkammer of the Museo Calzolari: an evocative space where
the objects on display are part of a sort of theatrical setting suspended between the real and
the virtual.
Culturanuova has created this particular installation for the exhibition "Caroto and the arts:
between Mantegna and Veronese" (Verona, from 13 May to 2 October 2022).
Initiative promoted by the Municipality of Verona – Civic Museums of Verona – Museum of
Castelvecchio in co-production with Civita Exhibitions and Museums.
Today the exhibition has been transferred to the Natural History Museum of Verona to a
permanent space dedicated to the Museo Calzolari. A proof of the great appreciation for our work
and, above all, a positive example that points the way to a new design for the exhibitions: from
ephemeral to a great occasion for the renewal of museum communication.