Management and documentation

Managing the huge quantities of data concerning our cultural heritage is a complex and interdisciplinary activity that includes not only restoration work places but all the activities of conservation and enhancement of museum collections.Our long experience in the most prestigious restoration work places has enabled us to develop unique services and tools in the international field.
Thematic maps
As a support to the restoration process, in close collaboration with the restorers, we offer the possibility of reusing the notes taken during the restoration and transforming them into vectorial Thematic maps showing deterioration, techniques and restoration intervention. The maps are made so that they can be read when superimposed on each other and with high definition orthophotos.
Graphic relief mapping of architectural and artistic heritage
A graphic relief – for example of a piece of architecture or a painting – is the basic map for recording the restoration process and the production of the thematic maps concerning the deterioration, the artistic techniques and the work of restoration.
Management of restoration work place data
Again as a support to the processes of the restoration work place, we offer our experience in the accurate archiving of images, films and other data produced during the course of the work. This procedure is carried out after agreeing the structure of the file-system and naming of files and folders with the Restoration Director, depending on the topography and iconography of the subject.
Support given to museums to create customised data bases and for entering text and images including through importing previous archives
Modus Operandi
Modus Operandi is a web platform that allows the interdisciplinary management of multiple activities connected to the conservation, restoration and enhancement of cultural heritage.

Cappella dei Principi, Florence
More than 8000 photos, 185 videos, 100 restoration records, HD ortophotos, point clouds and 3D models form up the documentation body of this long intervention. All the data management is powered by Modus Operandi.

Forbidden City, Beijing
Graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi. Fuwangge Palace

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Polittico di Badia painted by Giotto: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi.

Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence
Cappella Maggiore, frescos by Agnolo Gaddi: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi.

Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence
Cappella Peruzzi, frescos by Giotto: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi.

Research Project on Medieval Cave Churches in South Italy (Gravina di Puglia). Kanazawa University – Kanazawa, Japan
San Vito Vecchio cave church: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi

Castello Sforzesco, Milan
Sala delle Asse painted by Leonardo da Vinci: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi

Peggy Guggenheim Collection
Alchemy by Jackson Pollock: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi

Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence
Data management with Modus Operandi of floor tombstones

Monza Cathedral
Cappella di Teodolinda: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi

Milan Cathedral – vaulta restoration project
Thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi of the ceilings

Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence
Pietà by Agnolo Bronzino: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi

Basilica di San Zeno, Verona
Pala di San Zeno by Mantegna: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi

Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence
Last supper painted by Giorgio Vasari: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi

Santissima Annunziata, Florence
Assunzione di Maria by Rosso Fiorentino: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Battaglia di San Romano by Paolo Uccello: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi

Museo di Sant’Agostino, Genova
Thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi of a Byzantine pallium

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Annunciazione by Alesso Baldovinetti: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi

Museo Civico di Sansepolcro
Thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi of the mural painting Resurrection by Piero della Francesca

Santissima Annunziata, Florence
Madonna del Sacco by Andrea del Sarto: thematic maps, graphic relief and data management with Modus Operandi